
Monday, January 18, 2016

Knitted Brioche Stitch Scarf

Knitting is not my strongest skill but there's something wonderful about the rhythm of working with needles that you don't get from a crochet hook.  I got three big balls of yarn from my boss for Christmas (I love my boss! - and I know that not all people do so I feel very lucky there.) and with the time off from work I had over Christmas  break I decided to do something with them.  With the yarn being big and chunky, and having a lot of it, I thought it would be perfect for a knitting project to make a huge squishable, warm winter scarf.

I stumbled across the brioche stitch while looking for patterns on ravelry and it looked like the perfect easy stitch to learn for this project.  I did need to watch videos instead of relying on written instructions, though.  At my knitting skill level, those written instructions can result in a variety of weird things coming off my needles.  I started off with two straight needles but then decided to switch to my interchangeable circulars - big difference in my arms not getting as sore.

The fabric that results from brioche is wonderful: ribbed and squishy and stretchable.  I used all three colors, switching between them every 20 rows or so.  My favorite part of this project was not sewing in any of the tails.  I worked a big long flat piece, being sure to switch colors and leave all the tails in the same place, and then I seamed up the long side (using corresponding colors and leaving those tails all on the inside) and just left all the tails in the middle of the big tube.  Take that, annoying tails - haha!

It's in the single digits now so I'm really loving this huge scarf.  Then ends of the tube are left open for when I forget my gloves but this would be really nice as an infinity scarf too!

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